IBAX Network
6 min readOct 19, 2021


Blockchain technology is not only a backup network for encrypted currencies, but also provides more functions. So, what are the key features of blockchain that make it so irresistible? Why is it so popular? Let the following six elements tell you.


There are some exciting blockchain features but among them “Immutability” is undoubtedly one of the key features of blockchain technology. But why is this technology uncorrupted? Let’s start with connecting blockchain with immutability.

Immutability means something that can’t be changed or altered. This is one of the top blockchain features that help to ensure that the technology will remain as it is — a permanent, unalterable network. But how does it maintain that way?

Blockchain technology works slightly differently than the typical banking system. Instead of relying on centralized authorities, it ensures the blockchain features through a collection of nodes.

Every node on the system has a copy of the digital ledger. To add a transaction every node needs to check its validity. If the majority thinks it’s valid, then it’s added to the ledger. This promotes transparency and makes it corruption-proof.

So, without the consent from the majority of nodes, no one can add any transaction blocks to the ledger.

Another fact, that backs up the list of key blockchain features is that, once the transaction blocks get added to the ledger, no one can just go back and change it. Thus, any user on the network won’t be able to edit, delete or update it.

How does It Fight Corruption?

We know how every year there’s a massive amount of money that gets hacked through our regular channels. Many people spend Trillions of money to protect their businesses from any external hacks. However, we always forget to count the internal cybersecurity risks that come from corrupted people and authorities.

In many cases, there’s always an internal link for these hacks to know about all the security measures, so in the end, we pay the price for our trust. As you all know banks aren’t that trustable now and the global economy needs a trustless environment to fully overcome this issue.

So, when it comes to a corruption-free environment, you can easily assume that blockchain can definitely change a lot of these scenarios.

If businesses start to integrate blockchain technology to maintain their internal networking system, no one would be able to hack into it or alter or even steal information.

Public blockchains are a perfect example of this. Everyone in the public blockchain can see the transactions, so it is super transparent. On the other hand, private or federated blockchain could be best for enterprises that want to remain transparent among staff and protect their sensitive information along the way from public view.


The network is decentralized meaning it doesn’t have any governing authority or a single person looking after the framework. Rather a group of nodes maintains the network making it decentralized.

This is one of the key features of blockchain technology that works perfectly. Let me make it simpler. Blockchain puts us users in a straightforward position. As the system doesn’t require any governing authority, we can directly access it from the web and store our assets there.

You can store anything starting from cryptocurrencies, important documents, contracts, or other valuable digital assets. And with the help of blockchain, you’ll have direct control over them using your private key. So, you see the decentralized structure is giving the common people their power and rights back on their assets.

Why it’s So Useful?

Now let’s see how this blockchain feature is truly making changes –Less Failure: Everything in the blockchain is fully organized, and as it doesn’t depend on human calculations it’s highly fault-tolerant. So, accidental failures of this system are not a usual output. User Control: With decentralization, users now have control over their properties. They don’t have to rely on any third party to maintain their assets. All of them can do it simultaneously by themselves. Less Prone to Breakdown: As decentralized is one of the key features of blockchain technology, it can survive any malicious attack. This is because attacking the system is more expensive for hackers and not an easy solution. So, it’s less likely to break down.

No Third-Party: Decentralized nature of the technology makes it a system that doesn’t rely on third-party companies; No third-party, no added risk.

Zero Scams: As the system runs on algorithms, there is no chance for people to scam you out of anything. No one can utilize blockchain for personal gains.

Transparency: The decentralized nature of technology creates a transparent profile of every participant. Every change on the blockchain is viewable and makes it more concrete.

Authentic Nature: This nature of the system makes it a unique kind of system for every kind of person. And hackers will have a hard time cracking it.

Enhanced Security

As it gets rid of the need for a central authority, no one can just simply change any characteristics of the network for their benefit. Using encryption ensures another layer of security for the system. But how does it offer so much security compared to already existing techs? Well, it’s extremely secure because it offers a special disguise — Cryptography.

Added with decentralization, cryptography lays another layer of protection for users. Cryptography is a rather complex mathematical algorithm that acts as a firewall for attacks. Every information on the blockchain is hashed cryptographically. In simple terms, the information on the network hides the true nature of the data. For this process, any input data gets through a mathematical algorithm that produces a different kind of value, but the length is always fixed.

You could think of it as a unique identification for every data. All the blocks in the ledger come with a unique hash of their own and contain the hash of the previous block. So, changing or trying to tamper with the data will mean changing all the hash IDs. And that’s kind of impossible.

You’ll have a private key to access the data but will have a public key to make transactions.

Hashing is Irreversible!

Hashing is quite complex, and it’s impossible to alter or reverse it. No one can take a public key and come up with a private key. Also, a single change in the input could lead to a completely different ID, so small changes aren’t a luxury in the system.

If someone wants to corrupt the network, he/she would have to alter every data stored on every node in the network. There could be millions and millions of people, where everyone has the same copy of the ledger. Accessing and hacking millions of computers is next to impossible and costly.

That’s why it’s one of the best blockchain features. As it’s too hard to bypass, you won’t have to worry about hackers taking all your digital assets from you.

Distributed Ledgers

Usually, a public ledger will provide every information about a transaction and the participant. It’s all out in the open, nowhere to hide. Although the case for private or federated blockchain is a bit different. But still, in those cases, many people can see what really goes on in the ledger.

That’s because the ledger on the network is maintained by all other users on the system. This distributed computational power across the computers to ensure a better outcome.

This is the reason it’s considered one of the blockchain's essential features. The result will always be a higher efficient ledger system that can take on the traditional ones.



IBAX Network

IBAX is a fast, efficient, transparent public blockchain network.Airdrop: http://ibax.io/login Website: http://ibax.io Twitter: twitter.com/ibaxnetwork